Accepting and believing that Jesus died for our sins is very good but it is just the beggining of Christianity. From what the VIM team from Kansas always told us Christianity is Just above the said things.

From 7th to 16th of October, I traveled with the volunteers in mission team.  we visited so many places but there was not even a single day when we can say no miracle happened. In the first day (Friday 7 october)Teddy Crum shared a verse from the book of Matthews which said "love your neighbor as you love yourself. I thought it is just a story that is always told when we attend church sermons.

To call a spade by its name these people were just so good and acted without doubt to serve the children who were not even cared for. The served the women  and empowered them with skills that will never be eroded in their heads. I realized that that was a real love for a neighbor. They also constantly said we are brothers and sisters which encouraged togetherness and love for one another.

Another example was the launch of the health initiative in Madisi. The program's purpose is to help in eradicating Malaria, through having protected nights under a bed net. early childhood development, water and sanitation and many more were also part of good health for people in the area

the stories we shared inspired the people that God still loves them.

My appeal is that lets continue to pray for one another as prayer does a lot of things. as we pray lets remember also that prayer goes on well with actions as the Church of Resurrection team has taught us the right way to love. God is keeping us alive for a purpose. We never know God would like you to bless that brother or that sister. His or her life will be changed forever.

Lets join hands as we, together can change someones story in life

The Madisi choir singing the song of praising God during a church service in Madisi

The afficially opened madisi health initiative